Sunday, April 23, 2017

Useful Embedded System Log output

I put my previous project on hold recently, as I wanted to create a better way of logging system status in my embedded projects.  Luckily for me, the people who make vcdMaker already had a great way to do this.  In the video below, I got a bit more into detail about how I log the information.  Please visit the vcdMaker website and check out the videos, they are really good.  I hope that you find vcdMaker as useful as I do.

The log output is only as good as it's time stamp, so I wanted to ensure that my time stamp was good.  I usually run my SysTick handler at 1 kHz or 1 ms tick rate.  I enabled a general purpose input / output pin on the STM32F429 micro controller and had it toggle on and off.  I was able to verify with the Logic Analyzer and the Scope that the tick rate is indeed 1 kHz. You can see those screen captures below.

Logic Analyzer screen capture

Oscilloscope screen capture
My system clock and advanced high performance bus clocks are setup as 180 MHz.  The advanced peripheral bus 1 clock is set to 45 MHz, while the advanced peripheral bus 2 clock is set to 90 MHz.
This allows me to set USART 1 to 115200 baud, for now this is adequate.  I may need to speed this up in the future.  The USART Driver is called from the _write() system call, which allows me to use stdio printf function to print the messages to the USART.  

I created a little API to log messages:

log_signal_message(char* signalname, uint8_t signal_size, char* format, ...)

log_signal_event_message(char* signalname, char* format, ...)

log_message(eMessageType_t type, char* format, ...)

The messages logged by these functions are queued for the logger task to print to the USART.  The logger task is only 1 priority level higher than the idle task.  This allows the logger task to send messages without interfering with tasks that have higher priority.  The logger task uses a blocking call to receive from the queue, with a delay set to the maximum available.  The allows the task to only work when it must.  The video below gives some more information as well as a short demo of how I am using this setup.  Hopefully, you find this useful.

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