Monday, July 25, 2016

I Aquired another upgrade!

I was looking around and found a decent price on another mainframe instrument.  I was able to get a HP 16500A model, with a pattern generator (HP16520A & HP16521A), timing analyzer (HP16510B) and a 250 MHz 1 GS/sec oscilloscope card(HP 16532A). 

I moved the scope card into the HP 16500C mainframe and set everything back up.   The screen shot below shows both scopes recognized by the mainframe unit. 

The next thing I did was make sure that the scope cards worked, so I hooked up the function generator and did some simple tests.  First with just the 250 MHz scope, then with both the 500 MHz and 250 MHz scopes together in a group run.

This is great, now I can look at up to 4 Analog signals at the same time on the mainframe.