library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity TestProject is
Port (
Clk_In : in std_logic; -- Clock in from board (50 Mhz)
led_1 : out std_logic; -- Labeled D2 on board
led_2 : out std_logic; -- Labeled D4 on board
led_3 : out std_logic -- Labeled D5 on board
end TestProject;
architecture RealTimeLogic of TestProject is
constant slow_count : natural := 48000000;
constant fast_count : natural := 12000000;
signal Reset : std_logic;
Reset <= '0'; -- Clear Reset.
alternating_led_sequence : process(Clk_In,Reset)
variable alternating_led_counter: natural range 0 to slow_count;
if Reset = '1' then
alternating_led_counter := 0;
led_1 <= '1';
led_2 <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_In) then
-- Handle the Oscillating Led sequence.
if alternating_led_counter < slow_count/2 then
alternating_led_counter := alternating_led_counter + 1;
led_1 <= '1';
led_2 <= '0';
elsif alternating_led_counter < slow_count then
led_1 <= '0';
led_2 <= '1';
alternating_led_counter := alternating_led_counter + 1;
led_1 <= '1';
led_2 <= '0';
alternating_led_counter := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process alternating_led_sequence;
blinking_led_sequence : process(Clk_In,Reset)
variable blink_counter : natural range 0 to fast_count;
if Reset = '1' then
blink_counter := 0;
led_3 <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_In) then
-- Handle the fast blinking Led Sequence
if blink_counter < fast_count/4 then
blink_counter := blink_counter + 1;
led_3 <= '1';
elsif blink_counter < fast_count then
led_3 <= '0';
blink_counter := blink_counter + 1;
led_3 <= '1';
blink_counter := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process blinking_led_sequence;
end RealTimeLogic;
1 comment:
I began an elementary UART project to discover this board and it works fine in simulation but never started once loaded through the JTAG (Altera Blaster pod).
No idea how to use it to Flash the code into the FPGA.
I use the pushbutton as RSTb but the logic seems to ignore it.
Then I discover your example and it has no reset at all! The Reset signal you seem to use as a state machine vector, don't you? So when you state Reset <= '0'; does it mean the signal is considered to have a known initial value?
Your comments very welcome,
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